Understanding How Professional Teeth Whitening Works

When you receive the best teeth whitening, NYC’s professional dentists will ensure that the procedure is safe, quick, and easy. It’s no wonder that it’s become such a popular cosmetic treatment for people looking to give their smile a lift. Not only is it extremely safe, but it’s also very effective and offers a wonderful option for boosting confidence in your smile. While your dentist will be able to answer any questions you might have about the procedure, understanding how it works will ensure that you feel comfortable going into your first appointment.

How it works
The process itself is simple. Hydrogen peroxide is used to break down the stain molecules on the surface of the tooth. This breaks up those stains and reduces the concentration of the discolouration, resulting in a brighter, whiter smile. However, even with the best teeth whitening, NYC dentists will tell you that this procedure does not work for any dental restorations such as veneers or crowns.

How long does it take?
You’ll likely need several trips to your dentist to achieve the desired results. Your first appointment will be a consultation to discuss your goals and take impressions of your mouth. For the best teeth whitening, NYC cosmetic dentists will help you decide on the right level of whiteness for your smile. The best surgeries offer laser whitening, which is a treatment that will take place in the dental office rather than at home and should take about fifteen minutes per appointment.

Will it hurt?
Since this treatment uses certain chemicals, you might experience some sensitivity. However, this is completely normal and nothing to worry about. If you find that you’re in a lot of pain, you should tell your dentist immediately and they will decide on the best way forward. In general, this is a safe and effective procedure with no side effects.

How long will it last?
If you look after your teeth and make certain lifestyle changes, such as limiting your tea or coffee intake, the results can last up to two years before needing a top-up. However, they should last at least six months after your first appointment. Remember, this isn’t a permanent procedure as it only removes current stains, not future ones.

As you can see, the best teeth whitening (NYC has plenty of places offering this) is a simple process that can produce incredible results. While you don’t need to be an expert, it’s always best to enter your first consultation with some knowledge of the treatment, so that you’re prepared with any questions you may have. A healthy-looking smile can be the key to a confidence boost and ensure that you feel great when making those all-important first impressions. So why not consider a whitening session and achieve the smile that you’ve always dreamed of?

Author Plate
Ellen Smythe is a Practice Manager at Smile Arts of NY, a dental office that provides the best care (including emergency treatments) and advanced modern cosmetic dental procedures, including teeth whitening, porcelain crowns, veneers, Invisalign and dental implants. If you’re looking for the best teeth whitening, NYC based Smile Arts have been helping New York City residents achieve the look they’ve always wanted with their state-of-the-art, affordable dental services since 2010.